Business and Investment Development Agency

Roadshow #czech startup stories - edition Prague


Roadshow #czech startup stories - edition Prague

2019-11-05 18:30:00 2019-11-05 22:00:00 Europe/Prague Roadshow #czech startup stories - edition Prague Perlová 5, 110 00 Staré Město
05 Nov 2019
18:30 - 22:00


Perlová 5, 110 00 Staré Město HubHub – Palace ARA,

Did you know that each month CzechInvest helps 5 start-ups going global? Wanna be the next one?

Hop on a road ride to international success with us on 5th of November to hear stories of Czech start-ups from abroad. Learn the tips&tricks to create a competitive expansion strategy from those who were on your spot and also once started. Every road can be rocky in the beginning so come and listen to the experiences from different parts of the world about overcoming obstacles and succeeding in New York, Silicon Valley, London or Singapore.

Set out on a journey now and start off in HubHub – Palace ARA.

Special guests and mentors will share their knowledge:

Czech start-up stories:

  • Enehano Solutions
    • #CRMexpert #B2BorB2C#siliconvalleynetworkingstyle #novisibilitynofriends/partners/money #getyourfirstpartnershipagreement #beforeyouranoutofmoney #reallyhard #butdoable
  • Sharry Europe
    • #proptechrevolution #skanskareference #butstillchasinginvestorsinUS #didnotworkout #successfullyavoiddumbmoney #meangettinginvestmentinCZ #tensmilionsforexpansion #cheap/dirty/stupid/smart/easymoney #Broundinvestmentexpected
  • Travel A la Carte
    • #threegirls #disruptingtravelbusiness #goingglobalwhilebeingawoman #genderlabels #fromBeijingtoNY #lauchedatthreecontinents #missionpossible
    • #einsteinofthe21stcentury #anlysis&dependenciesbetweenapps #SaaSsolutiondiscovering #complexityofITenvironment #targetbig #SanFrancisco #goglobalorgohome #makespaghettigreatagain

 Foreign experts


time program
18:30–19:00 registration
19:00–20:30 panel discussion
20:30–22:00 networking

The panel discussion of start-up entrepreneurs and foreign experts will be led by Lukas Venclik.

entrance: free

more info:

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