The Czech Your Talent event was held at the Embassy of the Czech Republic in Berlin on Tuesday, 25 April 2017. The event showed young Germans that they can start their careers very well in business services centres in the Czech Republic. Czech Your Talent, a joint project of the Association of Business Service Leaders (ABSL), CzechInvest and the Embassy of the Czech Republic in Berlin, was attended by roughly 200 Berliners.
“We support the unique Czech Your Talent project because we’ve recently been hearing from firms in various sectors that the very low unemployment rate in the Czech Republic often hinders their expansion. Companies providing business services are now actively seeking talented workers abroad,” says Martin Partl, head of the Department of Foreign Offices at CzechInvest.
Seminar participants were given information about life in the Czech Republic, the situation on the local labour market and career opportunities in the business services sector.
“It is apparent that there is currently a major shortage of German-speaking workers throughout the Czech labour market,” says Jonathan Appleton, head of ABSL, adding that this shortage is perhaps more palpable in the business services sector. Companies in this sector are growing dynamically, by roughly ten thousand employees a year. German firms comprise the second-biggest employer in the sector.
The Czech Your Talent project is also being implemented in other European cities, such as Manchester. More information is available at