CzechInvest CEO Patrik Reichl visited Taiwan from 18 to 20 September 2019. The most important items in the programme in the capital Taipei were an investment seminar and a visit to the company Foxconn.“Since 2018, Taiwanese investors have invested more than CZK 18 billion in the Czech Republic with our support. They most frequently invest in the electronics industry,” said Patrik Reichl, CEO of CzechInvest.
Reichl began the programme on Thursday, 19 September 2019, with an investment seminar with selected Taiwanese companies that have branches in the Czech Republic. The aim was to familiarise incoming firms with new aspects that may have an impact on the investment environment in the Czech Republic including, for example, the recent amendment to the Investment Incentives Act and an amendment to the Act on the Residence of Foreign Nationals. Another purpose of the seminar was to present the government’s programme of support for innovative business, Czech Republic: The Country for the Future. “Of no less importance, we wanted to show Taiwanese investors who have had good experience with operating in the Czech Republic that our country has a modern research infrastructure that they can use and they can thus relocate their innovation activities here,” Reichl added.
The seminar was attended by representatives of dozens of companies including, for example, Foxconn, Asus, Wistron and Lemtech, as well as the local Ministry of Economic Affairs. The programme also included a visit to the local Nankang Soft Park Incubator, followed by a meeting with the Taipei Computer Association. Reichl concluded his visit on Friday, 20 September 2019, with a meeting with representatives of Foxconn. The electronics manufacturer has one of its European branches in Pardubice, where it employs three thousand workers.
Reichl’s visit to Taiwan was organised in cooperation with the Czech Economic and Cultural Office in Taipei.