monthly newsletter
Top three participating companies named | Project supported 39 companies with nearly CZ...
The company plans to start production of plastic products at the beginning of 2015.
Students toured the production facilities of Magna Exteriors & Interiors (Bohemia), s.r...
The students’ excursion to the company’s premises confirmed that language skills and te...
Students of chemical-pharmaceutical production at the High School of Chemistry Pardubic...
The agency’s representatives will meet in Sweden with bioenergy companies from around t...
Tatra Trucks will open an assembly plant in Saudi Arabia for the completion of mid-size...
Toyota Peugeot Citroën Automobile Czech (TPCA) intends to increase its recruitment acti...
The Fast Connections project foresees the building of 1,225km of new routes where train...
Vítkovice Machinery Group is sending the first referential shipment of the CNG mobile f...
MSD, a global provider of health care products and services, will open a global innovat...
Technologické centrum Hradec Králové, supported by CzechInvest, has opened a co-working...
The manufacturer has registered interest in the vehicle from Poland, Germany and Slovakia.
The Czech-US Civil Nuclear Cooperation Centre at the Czech Technical University in Prag...