Business and Investment Development Agency


Czech roadmap to knowledge economy to be unveiled in Brussels

The fourth annual European Business Summit (EBS) will be held in Brussels on March 16-17, 2006. Every year, the EBS brings together leading European politicians, top managers and a range of distinguished experts from various fields. This year, the summit will feature leaders in the area of science and research so that, in cooperation with others, they can initiate a dialogue on the use of knowledge to accelerate economic growth and create new job opportunities.

Czech roadmap to knowledge economy to be unveiled in Brussels

At the summit, representatives of EU member countries will introduce national action plans – documents laying out the paths taken by individual states to implement the Lisbon strategy. Radek Spicar, the Deputy Prime Minister for the Economy, will represent the Czech Republic at the summit.

“In its action plan of development, the Czech Republic is keeping to the Economic Growth Strategy, which has as its goal the tranformation of the Czech Republic into a knowledge-based technological center of Europe with a rising standard of living and high rate of employment,“ says Radek Špicar, adding: “Focusing public resourses, especially structural funds in the new programming period, on support of innovation activities is a necessary condition for economic growth, and at the same time, a way to support the development of the knowledge economy.”

The Czech Republic’s presentation in the form of seminars, information booths and participation in the conference’s main program, together with Janez Potočnik, is being prepared by CzechInvest under the auspices of the Czech Republic’s Permanent Representation to the EU. “We want to take advantage of this unique opportunity and present the Czech Republic in a new light,“ explains Tomas Hruda, CEO of CzechInvest, adding: “The fundamental theme will be the use of knowledge for research and innovation and their application to production. We are convinced that our country definitely has something to offer in this regard.”

CzechInvest’s seminar, “Innovation Model for the Next Generation”, will offer examples of leading Czech projects from the area of research and development which illustrate the ideal connection of firms and research and educational institutions in creating top-quality, innovative products. This is demonstrated by the Centers of Excellence at the Czech Technical University in Prague and Masaryk University in Brno, the projects ofHoneywellaDHI Hydroinform and the new platform called ChipInvest, thanks to which the CR has a great chance to become a Central European center for the development of integrated circuits and systems in the area of aviation and space programs and medical technology.


An anticipated result of the forum will also be proposals for strengthening the competitivenes of the European single market. Top managers of multinational corporations will exchange their views with the EU’s political elite, represented at the conference by, for example,José Manuel Barroso, president of the European Commision, Janez Potocnik, commisioner for science and research, andErnest-Antoine Seillière, president of UNICE. Over 1,500 participants are expected to attend.

The atmosphere of the conference will be enhanced by celebrations marking the the 250th anniversary of the composer Mozart’s birth, whose legacy will be the symbol of Austria’s EU presidency this year.
More information can be found


Dita Martisova
Phone: +32 2 550 35 52; Fax: +32 2 550 35 35

European Business Forum
Rue des Sols 8, 1000 Brussels, Belgium
Phone: +32 2 515 08 11; Fax: +32 2 515 09 15

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