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New resolution of the Government of the Czech Republic: All persons are obliged to wear devices for protection of the respiratory tract

What other measures are being taken against the outbreak and spread of Covid-19?

New resolution of the Government of the Czech Republic: All persons are obliged to wear devices for protection of the respiratory tract Source: Adobe Stock


No. 247 of 18 March 2020

on Adoption of Crisis Measures

In connection with Government Resolution No. 194 of 12 March 2020, by which the government, in accordance with Sections 5 and 6 of Constitutional Act No. 110/1998 Coll., on the Security of the Czech Republic, declared a state of emergency for the territory of the Czech Republic due to the health threat connected with the proven occurrence of coronavirus (designated as SARS CoV-2) in the Czech Republic and, in the sense of Section 5 (a) to (e) and Section 6 of Act No. 240/2000 Coll., on Crisis Management and on the Amendment of Certain Acts (the Crisis Act), as amended, has decided to adopt crisis measures in the sense of the provisions of Section 5 (c) and Section 6 (1) (b) of the Crisis Act in order to resolve this crisis situation.

The government

I. prohibits, with effect from midnight on 19 March 2020, all persons from moving and being present in all places outside of their residences without devices for protection of the respiratory tract (nose, mouth) such as respirators, face masks, scarves, bandanas or other items that prevent the spread of airborne particles.

II. orders all persons who have an exemption for cross-border workers (commuters) to limit their movement on the territory of the Czech Republic to the absolutely necessary extent. Exemptions pursuant to Government Resolution No. 215 of 15 March 2020 pursuant to item:

      a) I/b (necessary travel for the purpose of visiting family or close persons)

      b) I/d (necessary travel for the purpose of procuring necessities and services pursuant to [c] for another person [e.g. volunteering, neighbourly assistance])

      c) I/f, second part of the sentence (travel for the purpose of resolving urgent official matters, including provision of necessary accompaniment of relatives and close persons)

      d) I/h (visits to nature areas and parks)

do not apply to these persons.

III. issues notification that all measures arising from all further resolutions apply to the persons set forth in item II of this resolution (particularly the obligation to wear devices protecting the respiratory tract).

IV. orders all persons set forth in item II of this resolution (commuters) to undergo checks of symptoms of infectious disease when crossing the national border and, if symptoms of infectious disease are detected, to provided necessary cooperation to medical workers in the taking of a biological sample for the purpose of determining the presence of COVID-19.

Ing. Andrej Babiš

Prime Minister

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