Business and Investment Development Agency


The prohibition of free movement of persons. What does it mean for the Czech Republic?

The prohibition of free movement of persons. What does it mean for the Czech Republic? Source: Shutterstock

Effective from midnight on 16 March 2020 until 6:00 a.m. on 24 March 2020, the government has issued a decision on the prohibition of free movement of persons on the territory of the Czech Republic with the exception of travel to work, to medical facilities, for family purposes and other necessary travel.


No. 215 of 15 March 2020

on adoption of crisis measures

In connection with Government Resolution No. 194 of 12 March 2020, by which the government, in accordance with Articles 5 and 6 of Constitutional Act No. 110/1998 Coll., on the Security of the Czech Republic, declared a state of emergency for the territory of the Czech Republic due to the health threat connected with the proven occurrence of coronavirus (designated as SARS CoV-2) in the Czech Republic and, in the sense of Article 5 (a) to (e) and Article 6 of Act no. 240/2000 Coll., on Crisis Management and on the Amendment of Certain Acts (the Crisis Act), as amended, has decided to adopt crisis measures in the sense of the provisions of Article 5 (c) and Article (1) (b) of the Crisis Act in order to resolve this emergency situation.

Effective from midnight on 16 March 2020 to 6:00 a.m. on 24 March 2020, the government

I. prohibits the free movement of persons on the territory of the entire Czech Republic with the following exceptions:

a) travel to work and for the purpose of business or other, similar activities.

b) necessary travel for the purpose of visiting family and close persons.

c) travel necessary for the purpose of procuring basic life necessities (e.g. purchase of food, medicines and medical devices, sanitary goods, cosmetics and other drugstore goods, feed and other necessities for animals), including the needs of relatives and close persons, childcare, care for animals, use of necessary financial and postal services, refuelling of vehicles.

d) travel necessary for the purpose of procuring necessities and services pursuant to (c) above for another person (e.g. volunteering, neighbourly assistance).

e) travel to medical facilities and social-services facilities, including accompaniment of relatives and close persons, and veterinary facilities.

f) travel for the purpose of resolving urgent official matters, including accompaniment of relatives or close persons.

g) performance of occupations or activities serving for ensuring

      1. security, internal order and resolution of the crisis situation

      2. protection of health, provision of medical or social care, including volunteer activities

      3. individual spiritual care and services

      4. public mass transit and other infrastructure

      5. services for residents including supply and delivery services

      6. veterinary care

h) visits to nature areas and parks

i) return travel to one’s place of residence

j) funeral services

II. orders

a) persons residing in the Czech Republic to limit their movement in publicly accessible places to the absolutely necessary duration and to remain in their places of residence with the exception of the cases set forth in item I (a) to (i).

b) limit contact with other persons to the absolutely necessary extent.

III. recommends

a) to employers

      1. use remote work to the greatest possible extent if employees can perform their work at their place of residence.

      2. support vacation and paid leave for employees and similar instruments set forth in a collective agreement.

      3. restrict the performance of work that is not significant for maintaining the employer’s operations.

b) maintain a distance of at least two metres when coming into contact with other persons in public spaces.

c) for hygienic purposes, preferentially use cashless payment methods.

d) to persons providing services pursuant to item I (g): limit direct contact with customers.

e) to operators of public services (e.g. stores, shopping centres, post offices): within their places of business and spaces used for accessing such places of business

      1. create conditions for maintaining a distance of at least two metres between persons

      2. introduce heightened sanitary measures (particularly disinfection)

IV. repeals

1. item I (1) of Resolution of the Government of the Czech Republic No. 199 of 12 March 2020

2. item 2 of Resolution of the Government of the Czech Republic No. 208 of 13 March 2020.


Implemented by:

members of the government, heads of other central administrative bodies



governors, may of the City of Prague, mayors

Ing. Andrej Babiš Prime Minister

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