Business and Investment Development Agency


New York to host the USA-Europe Shared Services Summit in June

As a partner of the event, CzechInvest is inviting to the summit firms that have shared services centres in the Czech Republic

New York to host the USA-Europe Shared Services Summit in June

Central and Eastern Europe is a well-established destination for shared services centres. For example, numerous American firms have their centres in Hungary, the Czech Republic, Romania and Lithuania. Representatives of these centres will come together at the first edition of the USA-Europe Shared Services Awards and Summit in New York on 28 June 2017.

CzechInvest, which is a partner of the event, is inviting to New York representatives of firms that have their centres in the Czech Republic: Johnson and Johnson, CSC, Accenture, ADP, Xerox, Oracle, Honeywell Technology Solutions Czech Republic, Monster and Pfizer Global Financial Solutions.

More information is available at

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