On Tuesday, the Czech government passed the last round of amendments for the so-called Antivirus program. This program aimed at helping businesses protect their jobs has been created in order to compensate companies for salaries paid out to their employees. The Antivirus program begins today, on the 6th of April and is fully digitalized.
Who is eligible for this program?
Employers, whose economic activity has been put at risk due to the spread of Covid19.
The compensated amount is derived from the average super-gross wage, including compulsory contributions. Consequently, depending on the circumstances, applicants are grouped into the following two groups:
Group A:
- In case of compulsory quarantine, employees receive a wage compensation of 60% of their average reduced earnings.
- In the event of government ordered closure, employees receive 100% of their average monthly salary.
Group B
- In case a significant portion of employees (30%) are under quarantine or unable to work due to childcare, the employees receive 100% of their average monthly salary.
- In case the employer is unable to continue business due to disruptions in necessary supply chain mechanisms, employees receive 80% of their average monthly salary.
- In case an employer faces a reduction in demand of their services or products, the employee receives 60% of their average monthly salary.
How to apply?
The system of compensation has been developed to allow for the refunding of wages after the end of the last reporting period, i.e. for the month of March, employers will therefore submit applications for the beginning of April. Applications can be submitted on the website www.antivirus.mpsv.cz (In Czech only).