The firm, which has its origins in the United States, is bringing novel technology for the design, development, verification and testing of modern integrated circuits. Psida provides to its customers original design software at an affordable lease price on its super-efficient computers.
“Teams of developers can log on from practically anywhere on the planet, while their data is safely stored on servers in Brno. When the design of a new chip is ready, and its functionality is verified, the completed plans are sent back to the customer or to other companies for the actual production according to the designs processed at our facilities,” explains John Nistler, CEO of Psida.
“We need 25 top engineers and we expect that it will take at least two years to find who we are looking for,” says Nistler. “We are mainly looking for two types of people. On one hand, we need professionals with at least ten years’ experience; on the other hand, we need fresh ideas from people who have recently finished their doctoral studies. We were able to choose from among many different countries, but we believe that in our search for such experts we will be most successful in the Czech Republic.”
Psida’s development solutions are to be used by any company that develops extremely fast and efficient devices requiring only minimal energy input. Psida is providing at their Electronic Design and Verification Center, PSIDA CRC, electronic design automation software that is used for medical devices such as pacemakers and hearing aids or, for example, in automobiles, where sparkplugs cause strong electromagnetic pulses that interfere with the proper functioning of electronics.
“The software available for lease at our Center enables significantly faster and, in particular, less expensive development of new devices, as designers can choose between asynchronous or standard, synchronous development methodology within a common software database that supports analogue and digital designs. Due to the top-notch technology and speed of our supercomputers, all simulations verifying the proper function of the designed electronics can be performed up to 500 times fasters than when using current systems that are ordinarily used for similar applications,” Nistler further explains.
Psida is located in the very centre of Brno. The 19th-century building that houses the company’s operations is being modified so that the original architecture remains while at the same time providing the necessary electronic and communications capabilities required by a modern supercomputer enterprise. “We are building a top-level technical facility, while at the same time we want to preserve the spirit of the place. We are therefore making all modifications as carefully as possible in order to create a pleasant environment. There is a park and several pleasant restaurants in the vicinity, as well as public transport. We are convinced that this combination of first-rate equipment and pleasant place to live will attract the greatest talents to Brno,” Nistler adds.
“The company is already preparing specific projects of cooperation with universities in Brno,” adds Roman Cermak, CEO of CzechInvest. “Students and professors will thus gain unique experience directly from their work and, in return, Psida will receive fresh ideas and access to new talents that haven’t yet graduated. The supply of IT specialists in Brno is very broad. The city committed itself to a quality education system and the entry of companies like Psida demonstrates that focusing on technical fields is paying off for Brno.”
Psida is investing several tens of millions of Czech crowns in its Brno centre. “Of course, for this type of company, the investment amount is not the main issue,” explains Cermak. “Expenditures on the education and training of new people are far more important. Technology companies and investments that are at the interface between research and development and practice provide a strong basis for the Czech economy’s rapid growth in coming years.”
Headquartered in Texas (USA), PSIDA Lithography & Software LLC focuses on the development of technologies for designing and working with semiconductors and optical devices. The company is also engaged in the practical use of specialised optical and electronic devices. Psida’s solutions, for example, make it possible to increase the efficiency of solar cells, thanks to lower heat transmission and, conversely, more efficient conversion of sunlight into clean energy. In the area of medical technology, the company is capable of designing devices with more precise optics which, thanks to smaller deviations in the lenses, make it possible to display higher-quality 3D projections of operations. Psida is also enhancing the possibilities of nanolithography, a technology which – thanks to its ability to distinguish features smaller than the wavelength of light – is used for the production of semiconductor circuits and nanoelectronics.
Jiri Kaufhold
phone: +49 170 549 1329