Business and Investment Development Agency


CzechInvest participates in investment seminar in Tokyo

The agency presented there the Czech Republic’s investment potential and the positive experience of Japanese companies.

CzechInvest participates in investment seminar in Tokyo

On 14 October 2015 representatives of CzechInvest’s Tokyo office took part in an investment seminar focused on the possibilities of investing in the countries of Central and Eastern Europe. The seminar was organised by Japan’s third-biggest bank, Mizuho Bank, which opened a branch in Vienna in July this year. The seminar was held in connection with the branch’s opening and a similar event will take place in Vienna on 6 November. Participation of CzechInvest’s representatives is planned also for the Vienna seminar.

The main topic of the seminar was the investment environment in Central and Eastern Europe with special emphasis on the automotive sector, which accounts for a large number of Japanese investments in the Czech Republic. CzechInvest’s representative in Japan presented the agency’s services and, primarily, the positive experience of Japanese investors in the Czech Republic. Ninety-five Japanese manufacturing firms are currently operating in the Czech Republic, which is the fourth-largest number in Europe behind Great Britain, France and Germany.

Seminar participants also included representatives of four other Central European countries, namely Hungary, Poland, Slovakia and Austria. The event was attended by 90 people, mainly representatives of Japanese companies which are considering investing in the region.

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