Business and Investment Development Agency


Facebook educates small and medium-sized enterprises in Prague for the first time

The CEO of CzechInvest also appeared at the Boost Your Business conference

Facebook educates small and medium-sized enterprises in Prague for the first time Source: Facebook

Facebook and Instagram brought their main education programme for small and medium-sized enterprises – Boost Your Business – to the Czech Republic for the first time on Tuesday, 18 September 2018. At the DOX Centre of Contemporary Art in Prague, more than 300 firms had the opportunity to meet with the Czech representatives of the global social networks and Czech government officials and discuss with them the future of digital business and the competitiveness of the Czech Republic. The event was held in cooperation with Facebook, CzechInvest and the Association of Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises and Crafts (AMSP).

Conference speakers included representatives of Facebook; Vladimír Dzurilla, government representative for information technologies and digitalisation; Petr Očko, deputy minister of industry and trade for technology 4.0; CzechInvest CEO Silvana Jirotková; Karel Havlíček, chairman of the Association of Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises and Crafts of the Czech Republic; and representatives of three Czech firms – Mixit, Favi and Caresse.

The representatives of the social networks emphasised that the Czech Republic is one of the most important markets for them in Central and Eastern Europe, and that small and medium-sized firms are the foundation and main pillar of regional development. They also familiarised the conference attendees with the possibility of business support that Facebook and Instagram are currently offering. The speakers from the ranks of the state administration and the AMSP discussed digitalisation in the state administration and how individual institutions are assisting small and medium-sized enterprises.

More information is available on the Boost Your Business website.

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