Business and Investment Development Agency

Single Mode Laser

The integrated single mode laser converter is an efficient, simple device that relies on the principle of Raman laser conversion for generating a single longitudinal mode (SLM) or a single-frequency laser output. A SLM laser operates on a single resonator mode, so that it emits quasi-monochromatic light with a very narrow linewidth and very low phase noise. Single longitudinal mode diode lasers have a much narrower bandwidth, making them more desirable for applications that require precise knowledge of the wavelength.

Qubik Photon is a CERN spin-off that intends to manufacture and sell a low-cost single longitudinal mode efficient laser. The application for this technology is in diverse areas such as spectroscopy, LIDAR (light or laser imaging, detection and ranging), optical metrology, interferometry, optical data storage, LIDAR, holography, Raman spectrometry, semiconductor inspection, coherent remote sensing, laser communication, or Laser Doppler velocimetry, communication and quantum applications for singular light sources.


  • This tech can make any cheap multimode high-power laser into a tunable and efficient single longitudinal mode laser.
  • Efficient generation of a single longitudinal mode (SLM) laser with a very small linewidth and low phase noise, already demonstrated an enhancement of 100x of peak power spectral density with > 40% average power conversion efficiency. Laser output exhibits a rather long coherence length (from 10 up to 1000 metres), with a Fourier limited output of ~100 MHz linewidth.
  • Frequency-shifted laser output, with respect to the laser pump input by 30 - 50 nm, providing access to new wavelengths.
  • Ease of adjustment of the output laser frequency via length tuning of monolithic diamond resonator via angle or temperature.
  • Extremely simple optical configuration, compared to conventional methods of generating SLM lasers Resilient against mode competition thanks to spectral hole burning free Raman gain technology.
  • Robust to external disturbances, thanks to complete integration of laser into a diamond host and no need for free-space optical components.
  • Single mode in both the longitudinal and transversal direction.

Technical description

A single-frequency laser (or single longitudinal mode laser) is a laser that operates on a single resonator mode, so that it emits quasi-monochromatic light with a very narrow linewidth and very low phase noise. As a direct consequence, they exhibit a very long coherence length of greater than 10 meters and up to 1000 meters, which makes them suitable for long-range communications and detection applications. Typically, the excited mode is a Gaussian mode, and so the output is diffraction limited. The area of application of single-frequency lasers covers mainly spectroscopy, optical metrology (e.g. with fiber-optic sensors) and interferometry. Other applications include optical data storage, LIDAR, holography, Raman spectrometry, semiconductor inspection, coherent remote sensing, laser communication, or Laser Doppler velocimetry, etc. All these applications require very narrow spectrum and long coherence length lasers. Unfortunately, most single frequency lasers in the market are either low power, not tunable or very expensive and complex. Singular Light is a project that solves all these problems at once. By exploiting non-linear optical phenomena (such as Raman processes), our solution is capable of converting conventional inexpensive high power multi-mode lasers into a tunable single longitudinal mode efficiently, easily and at low cost. Moreover, our device is power scalable. Integrated Single Mode Laser Converter, is an efficient, simple device that relies on Raman laser conversion for generating a single longitudinal mode (SLM) laser output. The configuration offered by Singular Light not only offers a more robust generation of SLM lasers compared to conventional techniques, but it also allows ease of adjustment of the output laser frequency. These characteristics make the technology a perfect fit to answer the requirements of many areas of optical metrology and interferometry, from data storage to optical communications. With the advent of diamond quantum computing, Singular Light also presents a unique opportunity for the integration of compact laser sources on a diamond photonic chip.

Demonstration of simultaneous multi-color output from the Raman converter, measured high quality beams

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