Business and Investment Development Agency



CzechInvest uses cookies in order to track the preferences of visitors to its website, which is optimally adapted on the basis of the information thus obtained. The agency uses Google Analytics tools for the same purpose, in the case of which cookies may also be used.

Instructions for using cookies

Cookies are small files that a website stores on the user’s notebook, desktop computer or mobile device when the user visits the website. The use of cookies enables CzechInvest to determine, for example, whether communication had previously been established between the user’s device and CzechInvest’s website and the language and settings preferred by the user. Cookies may contain personal data.

CzechInvest’s website can be visited without granting consent to the use of cookies. The user can refuse the use of cookies and can delete them at any time by engaging the appropriate settings on his/her device. The user can adjust his/her browser’s setting by activating the “block all cookies” functionality. Furthermore, existing cookies can be deleted at any time. The precise settings of this functionality are available in the particular browser’s help section or in the instructions provided by the manufacturer of the given device. The use, rejection and deletion of cookies are connected with the utilised device and, in particular, the relevant browser. It is possible to reject and delete cookies for every device and, when using multiple browsers, also for each browser separately.

If the user decides not to use cookies, it may happen that he/she will not have access to all functionalities of the CzechInvest website or will have only limited access to individual functionalities.

Evaluation of user data and use of analytical tools

CzechInvest strives to adjust its website in a targeted manner to meet the needs of visitors and to thus constantly improve its offer. For identification of users’ preferences, particularly with respect to the popular sections of the website, CzechInvest uses analytical tools, which may cause data to be transferred to servers located outside of the European Union and processed there. If the user does not want CzechInvest to collect and evaluate information about his/her visit to the website obtained by means of these analytical tools, he/she can object against such process at any time by opting out. For the purpose of technical implementation of such objection, an opt-out cookie will be stored on the user’s browser. The opt-out cookie serves solely for assigning the particular objections of the user. The user should bear in mind that, due to technical reasons, the opt-out cookie can be used only for the browser from which it was launched. If the user deletes all cookies or uses a different browser or terminal device, he she must opt out again.

In connection with the evaluation of such data, CzechInvest uses analytical tools from Google Inc. Google Inc. is certified according to the EU-US Privacy Shield. If, in spite of that, the user does not consent to the transfer of data and the subsequent processing thereof, he/she can prevent that from happening. More information is available on Google’s website.

Processing of personal data

Processing of personal data is carried out in accordance with Regulation (EU) 2016/679  of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016, on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, and repealing Directive 95/46/EC (General Data Protection Regulation, hereinafter referred to as the “GDPR”), and in accordance with the relevant internal legal regulations in the area of personal data protection. When processing personal data, CzechInvest, as the administrator of personal data, shall take into account the data subject’s right to privacy and personal life on the basis of the obligations stipulated by special acts.
On the basis of special legal regulations, the administrator processes personal data necessary for identification of the data subject and for fulfilment of the legal obligations stipulated by the legal regulations in the areas falling within its competency, which are:

  • support for small and medium-sized enterprises pursuant to Act No. 47/2002 Coll., on Support for Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises and on the Amendment of Act No. 2/1969 Coll., on the Establishment of Ministries and Other Central Bodies of the State Administration of the Czech Republic, as amended.
  • support for businesses on the basis of programmes approved by the government of the Czech Republic pursuant to a special act (e.g. Act No. 218/2000 Coll., the Business Property and Infrastructure Support Programme, etc.).
  • functions of a designated organisation in the provision of investment incentives pursuant to special Act No. 72/2000 Coll., on Investment Incentives and on the Amendment of Certain Acts, as amended (the Investment Incentives Act).  
  • business support, e.g. for start-ups, aimed at firms’ growth on the domestic and foreign markets, support of domestic subcontractors, cooperation with domestic and foreign entities, linking of the private and public sectors, etc.

The administrator primarily uses legal grounds for the processing of personal data for fulfilment of its legal obligations, for fulfilment of tasks in the public interest, for the exercise of public authority and for performance necessary for the fulfilment of contracts. The administrator can also use other legal grounds such as consent to the processing of personal data provided by the data subject, for protection of vitally important interests of the subject and for the legitimate interests of the administrator.

Based on the above, the subject’s personal data can be transferred or made accessible only to persons, bodies and institutions to which such right flows from the above-mentioned regulation, act or public interest. No automated decision-making shall occur in connection with the processing of personal data.

The administrator processes data with the subject’s consent, with the exception of cases specified by the law when the processing of personal data does not require the subject’s consent.

The subject’s rights are set forth particularly in Section III of the GDPR and Section 81 et seq. of Act No. 89/2012 Coll. This concerns the following rights:

  • right of access to personal data
  • right to correction, completion and deletion of personal data
  • right to restriction of personal data processing
  • right to portability of data
  • right to raise objections to personal data processing
  • right to not be a subject of automated individual decision-making with legal or similar effects, including profiling

The subject can exercise the above-mentioned rights via, for example, the form available here.

It is possible to deliver the completed form using the following methods:

  • in person or by post to the address: Personal Data Protection Officer, Investment and Business Development Agency CzechInvest, Štěpánská 15, 120 00 Prague 2
  • electronically signed with a valid qualified signature and sent by e-mail to the address
  • via data box – to ID: cyrj9gf

At the same time, the subject has the right to contact, at any time and with regard to his/her objection, the supervisory body, which is the Office for Protection of Personal Data (pplk. Sochora 727/27, 170 00 Prague 7 – Holešovice).

In the event of a breach of personal data protection, it is possible to directly contact the administrator’s personal data protection officer.

It is possible to submit appeals for the exercise of the subject’s rights using the methods set forth above or by directly contacting the personal data protection officer, Lucie Jahnová (

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