Business and Investment Development Agency

Internal projects

Internal projects

The Internal Projects Department is focused on mapping project opportunities and preparation of projects in the key areas specified by the CzechInvest 2019+ Strategy. This involves support for start-ups and entrepreneurship, development of Czech companies, cultivation of the Czech business environment and support for innovation.

The objectives of the department’s activities are to improve the quality of the services provided by CzechInvest, establish new partnerships in the Czech Republic and abroad and to increase the Czech Republic’s competitiveness through support projects focused particularly on start-ups and small and medium-sized enterprises.

The issues in which the department is engaged include digital transformation, CERN technology, AI and use of open data, creative industries, the circular economy, the future of mobility and space technology. The department also strives to develop cooperation with Czech universities.

For more information about our projects please contact us via e-mail:

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