Business and Investment Development Agency

Production of strategic products

Production of strategic products

Are you a small enterprise?

Minimum conditions for obtaining an investment incentive

Investment project Min. investment to long-term assets (mil. CZK) Condition of high added value
Developed region 20 No
Region with special state support 10 No

The state-aid intensity

The maximum state aid for a small-sized enterprise is 40-60 %(depends on the region) of eligible costs.

Type of incentives

Investment project Corporate income tax relief up to 10 years Job creation grant CZK  300 or 200 thousand per one job Training and retraining grant up to 70% of training costs Cash grant on capital investment up to 20% of eligible costs
Medical products, chips, e-mobility and energy production products

  No limits
  If the unemployment rate in the given district is above 7.5% and at the same time exceeds the Czech average by 50%.

A small enterprise is one that employs less than 50 employees and whose annual turnover and annual balance sheet total does not exceed EUR 10 million (at group level).

Are you a medium-sized enterprise?

Minimum conditions for obtaining an investment incentive

Investment project Min. investment to long-term assets (mil. CZK) Condition of high added value
Developed region 40 No
Region with special state support 20 No

The state-aid intensity

The maximum state aid for a medium-sized enterprise is 30-50 % (depends on the region) of eligible costs.

Type of incentives

Investment project Corporate income tax relief up to 10 years Job creation grant CZK  300 or 200 thousand per one job Training and retraining grant up to 60% of training costs Cash grant on capital investment up to 20% of eligible costs
Medical products, chips, e-mobility and energy production products

  No limits
  If the unemployment rate in the given district is above 7.5% and at the same time exceeds the Czech average by 50%.

A medium-sized enterprise is one that employs between 50 and 250 employees and whose annual turnover does not exceed EUR 50 million and whose annual balance sheet total does not exceed EUR 43 million (at group level).

Are you a large enterprise?

Minimum conditions for obtaining an investment incentive

Investment project Min. investment to long-term assets (mil. CZK) Condition of high added value
Developed region 80 No
Region with special state support 40 No

The state-aid intensity

The maximum state aid for a large enterprise is 20-40% (depends on the region)  of eligible costs.
In the case of large enterprises, only new economic activity can be supported in the following regions: Plzeňský, Středočeský, Jihočeský, Jihomoravský and Vysočina. Other regions are without this restriction.

Type of incentives

Investment project Corporate income tax relief up to 10 years Job creation grant CZK  300 or 200 thousand per one job Training and retraining grant up to 50% of training costs Cash grant on capital investment up to 20% of eligible costs
Medical products, chips, e-mobility and energy production products

  No limits
  If the unemployment rate in the given district is above 7.5% and at the same time exceeds the Czech average by 50%.

A large enterprise is one that employs more than 250 employees and whose annual turnover exceed EUR 50 million and whose annual balance sheet total exceed EUR 43 million (at group level).


Contact us

David PejšekDirector of Investment Financing Department+420 725 523
Markéta DvořákováInvestment Financing Specialist+420 720 071
Josef MáraInvestment Financing Specialist+420 720 966
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