Attract foreign partners!
CzechMatch is a one-week acceleration programme abroad through which you can validate your product and expand your portfolio of contacts.
You will get feedback on your business model from potential customers, foreign experts and investors, and you will find out for yourself whether the given market is the right one for foreign expansion. For better preparation to enter a foreign market and expand your business activities, we also offer mentoring in the area of business strategy and assistance with market research. The destinations are London, New York, Silicon Valley and Singapore.
What does CzechMatch offer?
We will provide you with individual, tailored consultations prior to your departure. A mentor will carry out market research, advise you in the area of venture capital and help to prepare your presentation at events. You can use up to 20 hours of mentoring.
We will also arrange for you a network of contacts with the help of our foreign partner in the destination. During your stay, we will arrange at least three business meetings. We will also arrange your participation in a networking event, where you will be able to present your business project to investors and other members of the expert public.
We will put you in touch with the local startup and business community and organise, for example, breakfast meetings and other meetings at embassies or with representatives of chambers of commerce.
We will provide you with individual consultations with foreign mentors in the destination. These mentors will assist you with testing your product on the foreign market. You can use up to ten hours of mentoring.
We will arrange for you round-trip airline tickets including checked luggage for two persons, as well as one ticket for travel to a relevant networking event in the given region (Southeast Asia, North America, Europe).
For the one-week acceleration stay, you can receive support in the maximum value of up to CZK 173,000, which we will prepare for you according to your needs. More information on support and its financing is available here.
This project is implemented by CzechInvest with funding from the Marketing Program, priority axis 2 – “Development of Business and Competitiveness of Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises” of the Operational Program Enterprise and Innovation for Competitiveness 2014-2020.