Business and Investment Development Agency

NanoDay Brussels


NanoDay Brussels

2018-05-03 08:00:00 2018-05-03 11:00:00 Europe/Prague NanoDay Brussels Wiertzstraat 60, B-1047 Brussel
03 May 2018
08:00 - 11:00


Wiertzstraat 60, B-1047 Brussel The European Parliament, PHS 5B001

Alliance of Liberals and Democrats for Europe together with cluster NanoprogressCzech Nanotechnology Industries Association, agency CzechInvestTechnology Centre of the CAS and CZELO would like to invite you on NANODAY BRUSSELS.

Participants can look forward to witness the revelation of the new technology for production of nanofibers and unique energy source based 3D nano battery, taste nanofiltered water, try protective nano respiratorsanti-allergic beddingsnanocosmetics and see many other unique solutions for sustainable environment, health and well-being, decentralized energetics and industrial modernization.




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