The field of control and safety technologies for transportation has a long tradition in the Czech Republic. Research and development in this area is very specific and requires expensive, specialised technical equipment. The Mstětice Science and Technology Park has such facilities and equipment available that can be used by the park’s clients for their own research activities within a technology-transfer centre.
“Our company cooperates with a range of small firms that develop their own technologies. We thus have a clear idea about what is impeding the development of their research and business potential,” says Zdeněk Chrdle, CEO of AŽD Praha. “We believe that the facilities built in Mstětice will help them to overcome these obstacles. We would like to also welcome here beginning entrepreneurs and to support their scientific and commercial projects.”
“The European Union and the state budget contributed CZK 102 million towards the Science and Technology Park’s establishment. This is thanks to the Prosperity Programme, which in addition to technology parks also supports business incubators, technology-transfer centres and business-angels networks,” explains Alexandra Rudyšarová, acting CEO of CzechInvest, which is responsible for distribution of funding. “Due to the Prosperity Programme an expansive network of facilities is being created to provide top-level infrastructure for modern, innovative companies that conduct primarily their own research and development,” adds Rudyšarová.
Besides being a science and technology park, the institution also serves as a technology-transfer centre and business incubator, which is part of the complex intended mainly for students and graduates in technical fields whom the centre helps to launch their own business activities. In addition to other advantages, such entrepreneurs will also have the opportunity to rent spaces under favourable conditions, though they will primarily have access to modern science and technology facilities.
The science and technology park also provides facilities for education. The complex offers three conference and lecture halls which will serve for seminars and training. The science and technology park is located in the municipality of Zeleneč-Mstětice, not far from Prague in the Central Bohemia region, which is home to a range of science and research institutions, even though it does not have a university.
Those interested in receiving aid from the Prosperity Programme can submit their preliminary registration applications to CzechInvest. Electronic receipt of applications will begin on 1 August and will not terminate earlier than in July 2009. Applicants can obtain up to CZK 300 million for one project.
The Central Bohemia region receives the second largest share of total public spending intended for science and research, immediately behind Prague. In 2005 Prague and Central Bohemia accounted for nearly 60% of the total volume of public spending on science and research in the Czech Republic.
More about AŽD
AŽD Praha s.r.o. is the largest Czech firm in the field of safety, telecommunications and information technologies focused on the area of rail and highway transport. The firm has more than 1,700 employees, 11 organisational units and five subsidiaries abroad, and recorded turnover of CZK 5.6 billion for fiscal year 2006/2007. AŽD Praha annually invests over CZK 200 million in proprietary research and development while also providing assistance in teaching specialist subjects, cooperating on the creation of training programmes, providing technical and material assistance in building professional laboratories and transport halls, and ensuring professional experience for students. The company closely cooperates primarily with the Czech Technical University’s Faculty of Transportation, which is contributing substantially to the training and education functions of the Mstětice Science and Technology Park.