Business and Investment Development Agency


American company WABCO seeking suppliers in the Czech Republic

CzechInvest invited more than 20 local firms to a Suppliers Day event

American company WABCO seeking suppliers in the Czech Republic

CzechInvest invited more than 20 local firms to a Suppliers Day event

CzechInvest has organised a Suppliers Day event for the American firm WABCO, which took place on 22-23 November 2017. The manufacturer of electronic brakes and other components for commercial vehicles is seeking in the Czech Republic suppliers operating in the areas of, for example, ferrous and non-ferrous alloy casting as well as machining and pressing of metals and plastics. Twenty Czech firms will participate in the event, where they will over their services and products. These firms include, for example, Motor Jikov Slévárna, Kovokon Popovice, KLEIN Automotive, Detail CZ, Zeveta Machinery, Tatra Metalurgie, TOKOZ, Ljunghall, Seco GROUP, Mesa Parts, Isolit-Bravo, Strojírenské kovovýrobní družstvo SKD, KOH-I-NOOR RONAS and BÖHM PLAST-TECHNIK.
Established in 1869, WABCO is currently headquartered in Brussels and employs 13,000 people in more than 40 countries.

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