Business and Investment Development Agency


CzechInvest to present the investment potential of brownfields at Exporeal 2006

CzechInvest ranks among the traditional exhibitors at this trade fair where the most significant players in the European business properties market meet. This year’s novelty is the presentation of a wide range of investment opportunities that the brownfields offer.

CzechInvest to present the investment potential of brownfields at Exporeal 2006

We also rank old business properties, objects that have been dormant for years and areas that are often afflicted by ecological burdens among the brownfields. These areas are relatively many in the Czech Republic and they have a high investment potential,” says Tomas Hruda, CEO CzechInvest. “For investors and developers, it is attractive that they may use the Programme for Support of the Development of Business Properties and Infrastructure or grants from the EU structural funds in the recovery of these areas. It is possible to get support for both regeneration of an area as well as the reconstruction of an object.”

“Brownfields unlike the greenfields often already have ready technical infrastructure, which must be reconstructed or modernised,” says Josef Rehacek, Project Manager, Business Properties and Infrastructure Division, in explanation. “At the same time, this may concern areas with highly suitable locations, for instance, at city centres,” he adds.

Presentation of investment opportunities that brownfields offer is not the sole objective of the CzechInvest presentation. The visitors shall get acquainted with the offer of business properties and industrial zones in the Czech Republic. Last but not least, the running results of the Brownfield Research Study, which maps the structure, ownership and distribution of the brownfields in the Czech Republic shall be available at stand 513, in pavilion B1.


Business Properties and Infrastructure Division

Stepanska 15
120 00 Prague 2
Czech Republic
Phone: +420 296 342 551 or 564
Fax: +420 296 342 552
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