Business and Investment Development Agency


Shared-services centres are succeeding in the Czech Republic

The centres employ mainly university graduates with knowledge of foreign languages

Shared-services centres are succeeding in the Czech Republic

According to an annual survey conducted by the Association of Business Service Leaders (ABSL), which was presented at the fourth annual ABSL conference held in Prague on Tuesday, 18 October 2016, the Czech Republic has attracted more than two hundred major global firms that have established their services centres here. The shared business services segment is enjoying year-on-year growth of 19% and comprises 3% of the Czech Republic’s GDP. 

The Czech Republic has long ranked among the top ten most popular global destinations for establishing and operating shared-services centres. The results of the survey indicate that 2017 will bring forth an even greater expansion of this sector.

Even though companies in this field offer above-standard wages, it is increasingly difficult for them to find suitable candidates to fill the growing number of positions. In addition to expert knowledge, candidates must also have perfect command of English and other European languages. According to the survey, business services comprise the biggest Czech employer of university graduates, who begin their careers in such centres. The shared-services centres in the Czech Republic employ 50,000 graduates focused on fields such as IT, human resources, logistics, accounting, finance and marketing. In total, firms operating in this area employ 75,000 people. 

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