Valeo opened the new building of its development centre in Prague’s Hostivař district on Thursday, 5 April 2018, with CzechInvest CEO Silvana Jirotková in attendance.
Valeo’s Prague development centre has been involved in developing state-of-the-the art systems for the automotive industry since 2002. Since 2017, in a 9,000 m2 facility housing both a well-equipped laboratory and, for example, a testing area for automatic parking systems, more than seven hundred top specialists have been working on comprehensive development encompassing initial designs, analysis of customer requirements, software, hardware design, systems testing in virtual reality and trials in real-world operation and on a test polygon.
More than 250 people will be employed in the centre’s new 2,300 m2 building, which cost CZK 124 million. More information is available on the Valeo website.