After a successful event in 2016, Czech companies and R&D institutes participated at the fifth Nordic Life Sciences Days held in Malmö, Sweden, on September 12 to 14. Coming to one of the most attractive Life Science Regions of Europe, Danish-Swedish Medicon Valley, the event grew again to attract more than 1,200 participants mainly from biotech and pharma with a considerable level of attendance from companies, academia, investors and CROs.
Benefitting from the partnering system with the overall number of three thousand meetings during two days, 5 companies (Apigenex, i&i Prague, MediTox, Mercachem, Quinta Analytica) and 3 institutes (FNUSA-ICRC, IOCB, Masaryk University – Technology Transfer Office) joined CzechInvest at the Czech stand. With the financial and organizational support of the Embassy of the Czech Republic to Sweden, Czech participants presented their latest achievements to show the Czech Republic as a valuable partner in contract research, technology transfer, and R&D cooperation.
As the event returns to Stockholm in 2018, September 10-12, both CzechInvest and the Embassy plan to increase their support and come back to the Swedish capital with several Czech attendees.